Wax granules or wax sticks for large hot wax syringe
We offer a large hot wax syringe for professional use for filling and consolidating woodworm holes. The previous version was fitted with wax rods, which also formed the so-called pressure piston rod. The current large hot wax sprayer has a material tank. This is filled with granules of our special restoration wax. We offer the appropriate wax material for the respective hot wax syringe as follows.
Wax granulate light brown for filling the tank of the current large hot wax sprayer. We supply this granulate in packs of 1500 grams. This material is significantly cheaper as it does not need to be formed into sticks and therefore amortizes the higher purchase costs of the large hot wax syringe with tank.
Colorless wax sticks 80 mm long for the former large hot wax syringe with sticks. The colorless, slightly softer wax is suitable for the different wood colors, as the wax in the hole reflects the wood color due to its transparency.
We recommend our small hot wax syringe with the thin hard wax sticks made from special restoration wax for occasional use, wherever the purchase of the large hot wax syringe with tank would not pay for itself.