Guhdo overall program
We supplythe complete Guhdo programat favorable conditions. We grant quantity discounts on the valid Guhdo prices!
over 30 € 10 % over 150 € 20
for circular saw blades
over 60 € 15 % over 150 € 25
For more information about the products with prices, please visit the Guhdo website atwww.guhdo.de.
GUHDO changing promotions on
- Grooving cutter
- Profile cutterhead
- cutter heads
- HM circular saw blades*
Please have a look at the action flyer. You will find more information by clicking onGuhdo action. or onaction flyer. Please note that we cannot grant you any additional Guhdo quantity discounts for promotions!All prices plus 19 % VAT!
Would you like to have a complete overview of GUHDO? Then please download the current Guhdo catalog from their websitewww.guhdo.de. The prices inthis catalog, which is intended for commercial customers, do not include 19 % VAT!
* For a quick search of the suitable circular saw blade Guhdo offers a configurator. You can find it either athttp://guhdo.de/produkte/saegeblattkonfiguratoror by clicking onConfigurator.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions.